“On September 24th, 2024, the University of Zurich Space Hub (UZH Space Hub) was inaugurated at Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich (IPZ). To mark this significant milestone, a special exhibition was curated to lead visitors from the park’s entrance to Hangar 4, the new home of UZH Space Hub.”
Curators: Ralph Rosenbauer (Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich), Ravit Helled (University of Zurich), Jochem Braakhekke (University of Zurich), Claudia Röösli (University of Zurich), Jelena Rakin (University of Zurich)
Images from Earth observation and astronomy captivate with overwhelming aesthetics. They often evoke a sense of beauty in observers, even though the foundations for such an effect are not always obvious in the context of scientific images. However, upon closer look, the constitutive elements of these pictures can be interpreted in terms of fundamental categories used in art and media history to describe and understand images—such as harmony, line, color, or materiality. This exhibition sheds light on the historical, cultural, and aesthetic mechanisms that allow for a comparison of these scientific images with abstract works of art.